Music Industry Enterprises

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Student Enterprise

Student enterprise is a valuable opportunity for entrepreneurial students who want to get real-world experience before they leave the university. Although the University of Miami is a residential campus, the school offers students plenty of expansive, experiential, and applied opportunities. In addition to completing internships and attending conferences, students can participate in student enterprise to enrich their resumes and broaden their horizons. But what are student enterprises and why are they important?

What Are Student Enterprises?

Student enterprises are small businesses housed under the supervision and tutelage of the university. Students volunteer (or sometimes, even garner stipends) in these enterprises to gain experience in their desired field. The school itself is ultimately responsible for the enterprises, which will be sustained even after individual students graduate. In turn, students make individual contributions to a greater entrepreneurial goal and build skills they will use for the rest of their lives.

Why is Student Enterprise Important?

These days, the job market is more saturated than ever before. Though the outlook for the music business field is sunny, it is important to try to stand out from the crowd. During college, you’ll want to gain as many different kinds of experiences so that you can become a well-rounded candidate. Interviewers have lots of applications to sift through. Extracurriculars like student enterprise can mean the difference between your application being cast aside, or put in the queue for the interview call list.

Will My College Encourage Me to Be Entrepreneurial?

The short answer is an enthusiastic “yes!” Colleges want their students to push themselves toward their goals in a variety of ways. Entrepreneurship doesn’t begin once you walk off of the graduation stage. You don’t have to wait until you’ve completed your degree to participate in enterprise. Many of the most successful companies today were invented in a dorm room. Student enterprise is one way to get your foot in the door in the world of business. In an industry like music, experience is worth its weight in gold.

What Can I Learn From Student Enterprise During College?

No matter what careers they choose to pursue, students learn numerous valuable skills during their enterprise experiences. These skills can mean the difference between lasting success and repeated challenges. Some of the most important transferable skills include the following:

  • Leadership: Part of the college experience is identifying your leadership style. Whether you lead by example, use charisma, or work best from behind the scenes, it’s always important to play to your strengths. You can’t, however, do that before you’ve figured out what your strengths are. Enterprise gives you the chance to try on a variety of leadership hats.
  • Collaboration: Student enterprises are, by nature, collaborative. You’ll gain skills working as part of a team on large and small projects and solving problems together. Regardless of industry, every employer wants to hire strong collaborators.
  • Musicianship: The best music business professionals tend to also be excellent musicians. No matter your level of involvement in student enterprise, you will be working with others on a shared goal: producing and promoting superb music.
  • Time management and multitasking: Time management is always a concern in college, but involvement in extracurriculars means that you must be particularly committed to managing your time wisely. Being able to complete several projects concurrently is a skill you will use for the rest of your life.
  • Public speaking skills: Whether you’re speaking to a small committee or a crowd of thousands, practice in public speaking helps you get your message across.

What Student Enterprises Are Available at Frost?

A variety of student enterprises are available at Frost, but two of them—Cane Records and Cat 5 Music—are particularly relevant to music business students. More details about each of these enterprises can be found below:

Cane Records

The mission of Cane Records is to “Discover, develop, and promotion University of Miami artists in our community.” Cane Records was among the first student record labels in the country. Over 20 years later, the recording label remains robust, garnering an Independent Music Award in 2012 in Best Compilation for the record, “Breaking the Surface, Vol. 2.” Some of the music that Cane Records has produced can be found on their SoundCloud channel.

What Do Students Do at Cane Records?

Students participate in a wide variety of roles at Cane Records. The president and vice-president of the organization oversee the operations of the enterprise. Students also work in business affairs and administration, A&R, graphic design, social media management, and webmastery. Though the roles have evolved over the years as technology has advanced, students have always completed the key tasks in the organization.

Cat 5 Music

Cat 5 Music provides marketing and support to a number of student songwriters in diverse genres. With a decades-long history, Cat 5 Music has supported numerous musicians who have gone on to enjoy successful careers. Many of these musicians signed their first contract with Cat 5. The organization hosts periodic songwriter’s showcases, songwriting boot camps, and other events each year. With a robust student staff and a tableau of resources, Cat 5 Music provides excellent skill-building opportunities for any aspiring music business professional’s resume.

What Do Students Do at Cat 5 Music?

Students work in a variety of roles at Cat 5 Music. Some of the roles and responsibilities include the following:

  • Director of Licensing: This student works to place songs on- and off-campus, works on copyright registration, and researches student opportunities.
  • Director of Business Affairs: This student develops and maintains contracts with musicians, facilitates new opportunities for Cat 5’s songwriters, and assists with A/V equipment at events.
  • Social Media Director: This student maintains the organization’s social media presence, updates social media event pages, and develops the Cat 5 Music’s SEO strategy.
  • Events Coordinator: This student identifies and secures venues, communicates about events within and beyond the team, and works to involve songwriters in the events that Cat 5 Music produces.
  • Administration Manager: This student maintains the organization’s documents, tracks the expense spreadsheet, and communicates with songwriters.

Where Can I Learn More about Student Enterprise at Frost?

The Frost School of Music has a 30-year history of encouraging student enterprise. Cat 5 Music, Cane Records, and other enterprise opportunities provide students with the chance to begin to explore career options while still enjoying the guidance of professors and other mentors. Your musical entrepreneurship journey can begin today: at the Frost School of Music, every student is encouraged to achieve.

Featured Links

‘Cane Records is our student-run record label. It has been operating since 1993.
Cat 5 Music is our student-run song promotion company. It has been operating since 2002.